Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Avatar Ending??


When will this end? SIGH. Here in the Philippines, Nickelodeon is just showing Season 2?!?

What will happen?? Puhleezzee! We fans in the Philippines want to know the ending!!

Is Katara going to end up with Aang? Or with Zuko? Is Sokka going to end up with Toph? or with someone else? Who's going to win the final battle? Is Aang going to die? and many more puzzling questions we fans are trying to answer. Please anyone just hear our plea!!

Please anyone!!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ready To Ride?

I am in need for a ride on a roller coaster. sigh. I WANNA RIDE!!! WAAAHH!!!

Ok, I am getting a little bit overrated now. I just don't know a roller coaster that's really fast and tall here in the Philippines. Yes, there is Enchanted Kingdom and Star City but hello??? I don't think my parents will allow me since the incident that happened in the roller coaster of Enchanted Kingdom and the kid who died in Star City. SIGH. I really wanna ride the Led Zeppelin- The Ride in Hard Rock Park. It's new and it is just perfect for my standards. (I have standards?!?!)There is also an onboard audio system?!? It plays Led Zeppelin's hit single, "Whole Lotta Love" while you ride the thrilling roller coaster!! How cool is that?!?! SIGH AGAIN. I just remembered I'm living in reality. But still, I wish I can ride roller coaster already. SIGH. "Wanna Whole Lotta Love, Wanna Whole Lotta Love..."

Monday, June 2, 2008

Who Wants Pizza????

Ahhh. I love this phrase. "WHO WANTS PIZZA???" I am the first person who is definitely going to raise their hand up and shout at the top of their lungs, "MMMMMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"

Well, you can always be a kid again right?? Ok. yes. I admit I still am a kid. OHHHH NOOO!!!

School starts in a week and I haven't even fulfilled my summer to-do list!! Oh, wait, I don't have one. :D I love Yellow Cab Pizza!!! In fact, I just ordered pizza like 1 minute ago. sigh. Ok all i want to say is IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Friday, May 30, 2008

Jansport vs. Kipling????

Okay, this is just a weird thing to ask, but what brand of bag is better in

  • Durability

  • Quality

  • Design

  • and.. words that end in "ility"


No really, which is a better brand?

This is for school, so pllllleeeeaaassssseeeee answer!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to anyone who comments.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Still Bored.

Hey guys I'm sick.:((
I am left here at the house and they went out to the mall. :((
I have nothing to do and school is about to start.
I'm rotting here of boredom.
There's no TV and I'm just listening to my Ipod.
Sigh. Sigh again.

Inner Sanctumness.ü


These are the words of my sister, Livvy, as she hogs the bed.


Dreams are weird.
That's all I'm saying. ü

Monday, May 26, 2008

Baked Goodies ü

This summer I've been really interested in making Baked Goodies.
The examples of the pastries I made this summer are:

  • Chocolate Cake
  • Banana Muffins
  • Lemon Squares
  • Fudgy Brownies
  • Chocolate Crinkles
  • Homemade Polvoron
And others I forgot completely. ü

Baking is one of my new hobbies, so I might consider selling them like my mom said. ü
Anyways, I might consider baking upon request. This is a good way in earning money!
So if one of you really need money and have a good taste on food, you might wanna bake!!ü

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Well, we all know that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is almost at the top of the 2008 box office since its grand premiere last thursday.

The new Indy movie is not as cool as the last 3 movies since Harisson Ford is typically a senior citizen already. But there are cool stuff about the movie which are:

  1. Cate Blanchett's cool Russian accent. She just is too good!
  2. Indy's hat is still in shape.
  3. The crystal skull saved Indy in a few scenes of the movie.
  4. Harisson Ford still still battles strong!!!
  5. and... that's a 'bout it I THINK.
The bad stuff about the movie are:

  1. Since when did Indiana Jones collide with E.T.?!?!
  2. The crystal skull looks like a silver- painted bust of Nefirtiti's skull.
  3. Karen Allen doesn't seem to have a big impact in the movie.
  4. Shia LaBeouf will NEVER match up to the skills of the REAL Indy.
  5. And... other weird stuff I forgot. :)
So this is what we get for having no more ideas in the new Indy movie. Steven Spielberg probably slept while making the movie. But still, the movie is saved by the perfect costume of Indiana Jones!!!!!! :)) ü


i am totally IN LOVE with the jonas brothers!! ü♥
joe is like the cutest guy i ever saw!!!
DJ Danger!!!
ok i am just bored. ü
hmph. can't wait for the play date on staurday!
IF i get allowed..ü
sigh. school is starting again here in the philippines. :(
hayy. anywayz, hi!! ü so bored.....:((